Product Launch Checklist Template

New product launch plan checklist to get your internal teams aligned

Software product launch checklist template to nail your launch preparation

A successful product launch requires the combined effort of multiple teams including product, marketing, sales and customer support. A clearly defined process for launch preparation can help to get your internal teams aligned, so having a product launch checklist in place can help you avoid missing any key steps in the launch process. 

A sample product launch plan checklist

1. Product & Infrastructure

  • Positioning Doc / Creative Brief: Create a positioning doc or creative brief to educate the other teams about the product or features. The document should include
    - Feature definition: What is the product/feature? How does it actually work? 
    - Use cases: Who are the target users for this product/feature? Provide some sample use cases 
    - Values: What is the value proposition? How can customers benefit? What pain points can this product/feature solve? 
    - Competitors: How do we compare to our competitors? Do they offer similar features as well? 
  • Launch date: Is the launch date confirmed yet? Will the feature be rolling out to all users on the first launch date or on a rolling basis? 
  • Testing plan: Is the internal QA testing plan in place? 
  • Confirm pricing: Will the pricing be updated after this feature launch? Make sure the billing infrastructure is ready for the new pricing. 
  • Tracking and analytics: Define the metrics to monitor the effectiveness of the launch 

2. Marketing 

  • Website: Define the list of pages that need to be created or updated. Don’t forget about the navigation if needed as well. 
  • Advertising: Need to create new ads or modify existing ads (e.g. pricing info?) 
  • Content / social media: Prepare blog posts and social media posts to announce the product launch

3. Sales

  • Sales training: Make sure sales reps are adequately prepared for the product launch, e.g. how to use the product, how can customers benefits from the product launch
  • Sales deck: update the sales deck to include the new product / feature if appropriate

4. Customer Success

  • Announcement to existing customers: update your product changelog and create releases notes to communicate the new feature to existing customers. And plan the communication channel (e.g. simply creating an in-app pop-up? Or will send a product update email as well? 
  • Training for support staff: how to use the product, common FAQs and troubleshooting process 
  • Customer Help Center: Create and/or update related help center articles. E.g. need to modify the getting started guide too? 
  • Internal FAQs: Prepare internal FAQs and troubleshooting guides for support reps
  • Changes to user-onboarding process: does this feature affect user onboarding? 
  • Plan to gather user feedback: E.g. set up a survey to ask for feedback? 

5. Retrospective

  • Review meeting: discuss what was learned and how the process can be improved
  • Identify follow up actions: Identify if there are any follow up actions needed (e.g. bug fixes, feature improvement, collect testimonial or success stories)  

Using Kipwise to collaborate on your product launch checklist

Looking for a tool to collaborate on writing your product launch plan checklist? Try out Kipwise

  • Real-time collaborative online editor - Our online editor supports real-time collaborative editing so your teammates can work on the same document at the same time. With our inline comment function, it’s easy for your teammates to discuss issues during the product launch process. 
  • Powerful search that lives where you work - For example, via our Slack integration or browser extensions, your team can easily retrieve the product launch checklist without needing to jump between tabs when working their tasks. 
  • Content approval process - you can set designated reviewers for your content so that the product launch checklist will need to get approved by specified teammates to ensure accuracy. 

How to use this Kipwise Product Launch Checklist Template

1. Simply create a Kipwise account via the “Start with this Template” button below

2. After creating your team on Kipwise, create a new Page and select create a new Page from your templates 

Product launch checklist

3. Search for “Product Launch Checklist Template” and select Use this template

Start with this template

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