Performance Review Template

Performance Review Template with Agenda

Performance Review Template to help you cover all the important aspects of work in annual review discussions

What is a Performance Review Template? 

The Performance Review Template includes the basic information, notes from the previous Performance Review,  accomplishments, issues and challenges, goals and development areas, and finally, action items for the future. 

Benefits of using the Performance Review Template

As pointed out in the name, an annual review discussion covers months of work. A lot has happened during these months and it is totally normal that the amount of topics may be overwhelming. With Performance Review Template, all important aspects of work, such as accomplishments and challenges are covered in a certain order so that the different parts support each other. With this template, you are less likely to miss an important point that disappears from your mind during the meeting. Most importantly, well-structured review discussions build psychological safety and employee engagement which are keys to productivity in the long run.

What should be included in the Performance Review Template?

Our Performance Review Template starts with the notes from the previous performance review which are the basis for the discussion focused on development and continual improvement of the employee.

Second, let the employee shine by bringing out the accomplishments. This makes a positive psychological impact on the employee. Happiness is a true source of productivity - do not underestimate the power of cheerful five minutes of discussing what has been done well.

Third, now that the ambience is positive, it's time to move on to possible issues and challenges. Describe what has happened and how difficult situations have been handled. Be open and empathetic to encourage the employee to discuss their current, previously unknown issues. Remember that psychological safety paves the way for success. End with learnings to smooth the journey towards the next topic. 

Fourth, steer the focus from present to future by discussing the goals and development areas of the employee.

Finally, agree on action items and document them immediately. It will definitely ease your job in the next annual review discussion.

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