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Bug Report Template

Bug reporting template to standardize your bug reporting flow

Bug report template to help your team resolve issues quicker

Whether you are performing internal testing manually, or handling bug reports from customers, standardizing your bug report process helps to minimize the back-and-forth needed and help your team resolve issues quicker.

There are many formats that you can use for your bug report, but below are the most important items to include to make the troubleshooting process more efficient.

Bug report naming

A concise naming for the bug helps developers to locate and search for issues that they need to handle more quickly. A good practice is to have standardized names for the different features of your product and name the bug report as [Feature name] - [short description of the issue] when filing bug reports. An example could be “Editor - unable to upload images”.


To keep the bug report name short and easily readable, the name itself might not be sufficient enough to communicate the issue clearly. So add some more explanation here to describe the issue in an easy-to-understand way. Try to include keywords that your teammates are likely to use when searching for the issue as well.

Steps to reproduce + expected vs. actual results

Try to describe as detailed as possible the steps you took when encountering the bug so that it’s easier for the developer to reproduce the bug. Explain what results you expected and what actually happened. It’s often useful to include screenshots or screen recordings to explain the situation in a more visual way.

Some screen capturing tools that you can check out include Awesome Screenshot & Screen Recorder and

Device info

The issue you reported might only happen in a certain browser or operating system. So when reporting bugs, try to include as much information as you can. For some customer support tools like Intercom, they will provide info about the device that the customer use, such as browser, browser version and operating system. If your customer support tool doesn’t provide such info, you might need to ask your customer for this or make it into a guideline to provide these info when reporting issues to your support team.

Related customer ticket links

Including the related customer ticket links in the issue does not only help to make sure the clients are informed after the issue is fixed. It also allows support engineers who have better technical knowledge to jump in and clarify the situation with the customers.

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